新加坡中一数学 1A(Discovering Math)

价 格: 100.00

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学员数: 29

有效期: 30



Chapter 1 Factors And Multiples

1,1 Primes, Prime Factorisation And Index Notation

A. Factors

B. Multiples

C. Primes and Prime Factorisation

D. Index Notation

1.2 Highest Common Factor (HCF)(9-11)

1.3 Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)(11)

1.4 Square Roots And Cube Roots(12-15)

A. Square Roots  B. Cube Roots (16-19)

in A Nutshell (20)

Extend Your Learning Curve  Write In Your Journal (21-22)


Chapter 2 Real Numbers

2,1 Idea Of Negative Numbers And The Number Line ((23-29)

A. Negative Numbers

B. The Number Line

2.2 Addition And Subtraction Of Integers (29-35)

A. Addition

B. Subtraction

2.3 Multiplication, Division And Combined Operations Of Integers (36-40)

A. Multiplication

B, Division

C, Combined Operations of Integers


2.4 Rational Numbers (41-44)

A. Definition

B. Addition and Subtraction

C. Multiplication and Division


2.5 Real Numbers And Use Of Calculators (45-53)

A. Real Numbers

B. Use of Calculators

In A Nutshell

Extend Your Learning Curve

Write: In Your Journal


Chapter 3 Approximation And Estimation

3.1 Rounding Off  Numbers To Decimal Places (54-60)

A. Idea of Rounding

B. Rounding off Numbers to Decimal Places

3.2 Rounding Off Numbers To Significant Figures (61-63)

3.3 Estimations And Accuracy Of Calculators (65-72)

A. Estimations

B. Accuracy in Calculators

In A Nutshell

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Chapter 4 Introduction To Algebra

4.1 The Use Of Letters In Algebra (73-80)

A. The Use of Letters

B. Basic Notations in Algebra

C. Index Notation

4.2 Evaluation Of Algebraic Expressions And Formulae (81-89)

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Chapter 5 Algebraic Manipulation

5.1 Like Terms And Unlike Terms (90-95)

5.2 Addition And Subtraction Of Linear Algebraic Expressions(95-98)

5.3 Simplification Of Linear Algebraic Expressions(99-103)

5.4 Factorisation By Using Common Factors (104-105)

5.5 Factorisation By Grouping Terms (106-111)

In A Nutshell

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Chapter 6 Simple Equations In One Unknown

6.1 Simple Linear Equations In One Unknown (112-116)

6.2 Equations Involving Brackets (117-120)

6.3 Simple Fractional Equations(120-122)

6.4 Forming Linear Equations To Solve Problems (122-130)

In A Nutshell

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Chapter 7 Angles And Parallel Lines

7.1 Points, Lines And Planes (131-134)

7.2 Angles (135-144)

A. Angles and Measurements

B. Types of Angles

C. Complementary, Supplementary and Adjacent Angles

D. Properties of Angles

7.3 Parallel Lines And Transversals (145-151)


A. Parallel Lines

B. Transversal


7.4 Perpendicular Bisectors And Angle Bisectors (152-161)

A. Use of Compasses

BPerpendicular Bisectors

C. Angle Bisectors

In A Nutshell

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Chapter 8 Triangles And Polygons


8.1 Triangles (163-172)

A. Classification of Triangles  

B. Angle Sum of a Triangle

C. Exterior Angle of a Triangle

8.2 Quadrilaterals 173-182

A. Types of Quadrilaterals

B. Properties of Special Quadrilaterals

8.3 Polygons 183-192

A. Types of Polygons

B. Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon

C. Sum of Exterior Angles of a Polygon

8.4 Construction Of Triangles And Quadrilaterals 192-200

A. Construction of Triangles

B, Construction of Quadrilaterals

In A Nutshell

Extend Your Learning Curve

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Problem-Solving Processes And Heuristics 201-206

Appendices 207-210

Answers 211-218


  • 新加坡中一数学 1A


  • 新加坡中一中二就读学生或参加AEIS中二考试的学生 或海外就读学生


第 1 章: Factors And Multiples

第 2 章: Chapter 2 Real Numbers

第 3 章: Chapter 3 Approximation And Estimation

第 4 章: Chapter 4 Introduction To Algebra

第 5 章: Chapter 5 Algebraic Manipulation

第 6 章: Chapter 6 Simple Equations In One Unknown

第 7 章: Chapter 7 Angles And Parallel Lines

第 8 章: Chapter 8 Triangles And Polygons

第 9 章: Answers (211-218)



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