新加坡中一数学 1B
Chapter 9 Ratio, Rate And Spend
9.1 Ratios Involving Rational Numbers (1-9)
A. Meaning of Ratio
B. Simplification of Ratios
C. Ratios of Three Quantities
D. Problems Involving Ratios
9.2 Average Rate (9-13)
9.3 Speed (14-22)
A. Uniform Speed and Average Speed
B. Conversion of Units
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Chapter 10 Percentage
10.1 Meaning Of Percentage (23-30)
A. Introduction
B. Expressing One Quantity as a Percentage of Another
10.2 Reverse Percentages (31-33)
10.3 Percentage Increase And Decrease (33-39)
A. Percentage Increase
B. Percentage Decrease
10.4 Discount And GST (40-49)
A. Discount
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Chapter 11 Number Patterns
11.1 Number Patterns And Sequences (50-56)
11.2 General Term Of A Sequence (57-68)
A. General Term
B. Applications of Number Patterns
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Chapter 12 Coordinates And Linear Graphs
12.1 Cartesian Coordinate System (69-75)
12.2 Linear Graphs (76-81)
12.3 Gradients Of Linear Graphs (82-90)
A. Positive Gradients
B. Negative Gradients
C. Special Cases
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Chapter 13 Simple Inequalities
13.1 Solving Simple Inequalities (91-95)
A. Idea of Inequality
B. Solving Inequality
13.2 Applications Of Simple Inequalities (96-101)
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Chapter 14 Perimeters And Areas Of Plane Figures
14.1 Mensuration Of Square, Rectangle, Triangle And Circle (102-108)
14.2 Area Of A Parallelogram (108-112)
14.3 Area Of A Trapezium (113-116)
14.4 Perimeters And Areas Of Composite Plane Figures (116-123)
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Chapter 15 Volumes And Surface Areas Of Solids
15.1 Volumes And Total Surface Areas Of A Cube And A Cuboid (125-132)
A. Models of Cube, Cuboid, Prism and Cylinder
B. Cube
C. Cuboid
15.2 Volume And Total Surface Area Of A Prism (133-140)
A. Prism
B. Volume of Prism
C. Surface Area of Prism
15.3 Volume And Surface Area Of A Cylinder(140-146)
15.4 Volumes And Surface Areas Of Composite Solids (147-158)
A. Conversion between Different Units
B. Composite Solids
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Chapter 16 Data Handling
16.1 Collection Of Data (159-163)
A. Taking Measurements in Experiments
B. Observing Outcomes of Events
C. Conducting Surveys
D. Reading Statistical Publications
16.2 Organisation Of Data (163-170)
16,3 Bar Graphs, Pictograms And Line Graphs (170-181)
A. Bar Graphs
B. Pictograms
C. Line Graphs
16.4 Pie Charts (181-185)
16.5 Histograms (186-194)
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Problem-Solving Processes and Heuristics (195-201)
Answers (203-210)