
价 格: 500.00

评 价:   0.0分 (0人评价)

学员数: 71

有效期: 30


This COMPREHENSION contains a series of 20 challenging exercises that cover a

wide variety of topics. In each exercise, students are challenged to answer a range of questions

that are based on two passages. Honing the skills of answering inferential questions is at the

core of each exercise, so questions require students to read between the lines and have a good

understanding of the passages.

An additional vocabulary practice contains specially selected words from each of the

passages. This practice gives students the opportunity to use contextual clues as well as word

part analysis to get the meaning of words.

This COMPREHENSION provides students in their first year of secondary school with

useful and appropriate comprehension practice. This materials is an important tool in the

quest towards effective comprehension skills and to pass the AEIS Exams for secondary 1-3.



  • 内有从句子中特别精选的单词,让学生有机会运用上下文意思及对单词的分析判断去得到词语的意思。
  • 内有范围广泛的文章,锻炼学生回答推理性问题的能力是本材料的核心。


  • 国外在读小六、中一或要参加AEIS考试的中一至中三的学生



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